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State-of-the-Art TV, Video Production & Photography Services in Brisbane and Queensland

Location Logistics Queensland Welcomes You

A division of Paramount Video Productions, Your Creative Brisbane Partner.

How can we help you?

Paramount Video Productions (founded as Stonehenge Media in 1989)is a Brisbane-based TV and Video production company. With over 70 combined years in Theatre, Film, TV, Video and Animation production, Producers Trevor and Claire help you produce any project In Queensland, New South Wales and Australia.We will help you film safely and well, ensuring your trip here is a ripping success!! 

  1. MARKETING & PUBLICITY: Based on 20 years’ experience, our BBC TV-trained Producers help you produce EPK kits. (Electronic Press Kits).  Interviews are our key strength, we talk with your cast and crew and get excellent interviews. We’ve produced about 220, short films for prime time TV and, as a TV Editor, worked with many EPK kits. We will give you a stunning EPK kit plus we are experienced in documentary production. We can help with your “Making of”, “Behind-the-Scenes” and more. We do video & photos – all produced to world-class BBC TV standards. 
  2. OUTSTANDING OUTDOOR LOCATIONS: From Northern Queensland to New South Wales, passing the Great Barrier Reef, Noosa, Cabarita, Byron Bay and Ballina. Oceans, forests, mountains, deserts, rivers. We have it all. We help you with permits, transport, food, accommodation and more.  Mail your Film, TV, Photos or Event needs to our friendly Producers today. Start the conversation.
  3. ALL THE INTERIORS YOU NEED: From set construction on sound stages to existing locations. Queensland and NSW has it all.
  4. WE HELP YOU WITH Location & Production Management; Crew & Cast; Catering; Entertainment; Recreation and Post Production. You get spacious Hi-Tech offices in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, Sydney, Melbourne, and more – fast WIFI, Bluetooth, printing – all the facilities you need.
  5. COVID FREE FILMMAKING: Courtesy of Queensland and Australia Health. Strict Health and Safety rules apply.                                                                                                                                                                  


Our Team, Your Production

How to Work with Location Logistics Queensland in Australia

  1. Contact us directly at claire@paramountvideo.com.au or fill in the contact form. Supply relevant details.
  2. Arrive and do mandatory quarantine.
  3. Go to the production bubble, produce the project. Enjoy great food, wining, dining, hospitality.
  4. Leave production bubble and tour Australia. 


Producers Trev and Claire founded Stonehenge Media, a Film and TV production company in 1989, based on 15 years TV experience at a top TV station. Currently, they produce for Paramount Video, a Film, TV, Video & Animation company in Brisbane Technology Park, Eight Mile Plains. Since 2000 AD, the company has produced about 9,500 TV, Cinema, Video, and Animation productions. See Trevor’s 35mm and 16mm film experience. Click here.

Working for some of the world’s biggest organizations, such as the United Nations WHO Conference in Brisbane and for Government and Industry, the company has a reputation for BBC TV quality. See our showreel. (Please set the video to 1080p using cog on the player. Set sound to 80% on your device.)


Welcome to a Great Aussie Experience

Your Production

We can help you produce the best creative work allowed by your budget, in Australia – so you can achieve great things. Our vast treasure trove of Film and TV experience, since 1976, in South Africa, Canada, California and Australia is your guarantee of success.

We’ll help you source location, cast, crew and post-production.

Our budgeting, location work, scheduling, camerawork, directing and post-production are all BBC TV quality. So you are in safe, experienced, proven hands – people who love filmmaking and want to see you succeed.

  • Australia is serious about providing the best possible facilities for your production or event. Our Prime Minister and his cabinet fully support this. The Queensland Government is an avid supporter of Film and TV and via Screen Queensland, supports your efforts.

Welcome to our great and lucky country. We’ll do all we can to help you achieve great outcomes.

Get in touch with us today!

National 1300 656 269

International +61 7 3299 1597


Mobile +61 401 740 261